Are you marketing with video all wrong? (Part 2)

Have you chosen the right video host for your business?   Before we help you answer that, let’s re-cap.  Previously, we explored the main components of video marketing, which are as follows:

  1. Make a plan
  2. Create video that matches your plan
  3. Choose a video host that supports your plan
  4. Review the data to see how it compares to your original plan

We covered items 1 & 2 in our previous post.  In order get a fuller picture of how to market with video the right way, we’re here to talk about choosing a video host that suits your marketing needs.

When we talk to businesses about video hosting, we hear the word “YouTube” a lot.  And, why not?  Everyone enjoys YouTube – and, it’s free!  It’s easy to upload videos and create a video channel.  But let me ask you this:  What was the last YouTube video you watched?  Be honest. Cats?   Or maybe you’re a dog person?  How about movie trailers?  Repair videos?  Pranks?  Lost TV episodes?

When was the last time you searched for a business video on YouTube?  Again, be honest.  YouTube is NOT the Field of Dreams.  Just because you post it, doesn’t mean your customers will come.

There are several reasons why we recommend that companies use a video hosting service that matches their business needs. The keyword here is business.  YouTube is for sharing entertaining videos uploaded by people and media companies.  When these videos get enough views, they start showing ads!  (Your viewers hate ads, trust us.)

Take  our short quiz below to determine if you’re choosing the right video host for your business.

If you took the quiz and found that YouTube isn’t your ideal video host, then you’ll definitely want to read Part 3 next week!

The importance of creating a video marketing strategy and defining what the success of your video will look like ahead of time cannot be overstated here.  If you like making decisions based on data, then business video hosting collects the right data so you’ll know if your video hit your metrics of success.   There are a lot of options out there, and if you’d like to mull them over with us, we’d be happy to chat with you, anytime.  

Watch people fall down on YouTube on your lunch break, but stand your business up with better video hosting.

Read Part 3, the exciting conclusion of “Are you marketing with video all wrong?”:  The importance of data and how it impacts your strategy!